How Weight Affects Hydraulic Performance, Cost and Energy Savings

Compact Hydraulic Valve

Considering industries such as Aerospace and Robotics rely heavily on hydraulics, why is the technology so out of date? Where companies like Tesla and Instagram are redefining their sectors, it’s about time that the hydraulic industry went through an overhaul. Domin is driving a technological revolution to reimagine hydraulic performance. Does the Hydraulics Industry Have a […]

Rotary Control Brings Revolution in Size and Robustness to Servo Valves

Rotary Digital Control Hydraulic Servo Valves

By harnessing the power of additive manufacturing and other 21st-century technologies, Domin has taken a largely common design (the linear servo valve) and has created a unique interpretation of rotary control that squeezes out every possible drop of performance. We then took the manual for a ‘traditional’ hydraulic servo valve and threw it out the […]

Domin Develops Game-Changing Primary Flight Control

Primary Flight Control

Domin Fluid Power set out to design, manufacture and test the concept of a light, low cost and efficient integrated dual hydraulic valve control module within a helicopter’s primary flight control. Domin designed an in-line tandem jack primary flight control actuator with an integral jam redundant hydraulic control valve with quadruplex electrical and duplex hydraulic […]

Additive Manufacturing: Fluid Power – Evolution or Revolution?

Domin Additive Manufacturing Revolution

The Fluid Power sector is quickly picking up and running with metal Additive Manufacturing, seeing its obvious potential benefits to size, weight and design freedom. However, is the industry missing the more important benefit of a holistic redesign revolution? Metal Additive Manufacturing gives you unrivalled design freedom, not complete design freedom, but unrivalled nonetheless. With this new […]

Metal Additive Manufacturing – Is This the End of Different Fluid Power Products for Different Markets?

Domin Metal Additive Manufacturing

Traditionally, the fluid power industry has separated products into different markets such as Aerospace and Industrial, developing products that are optimal for the functional requirements of the respective markets. There are many common requirements such as performance, efficiency and reliability. However, there is a significant difference in the value of weight within markets. In basic […]

Metal Additive Manufacturing – The Skill is in the Engineer

CAD Hydraulic Fluid Dynamics Engineer at Domin

Designing a high-performance engineered product with metal additive manufacturing typically requires a multidisciplinary approach to design. Managing the design of a mechanical product is a highly complex task It requires gathering and understanding significant amounts of data and making decisions with that data. In order to make the best decision, the engineers must understand the […]

Domin use Additive Manufacturing to develop a High Torque Fixed Displacement Pump

Domin use Additive Manufacturing to develop a High Torque Fixed Displacement Pump

Domin were set the project brief of designing and testing a lightweight, high power density and high torque fixed displacement pump. The specification demanded a highly efficient, low speed (4,000 rpm) and high torque positive displacement pump. Domin were awarded an Innovate UK funded smart project to prove the concept and went back to first […]

Enhancing Design Decision with Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics Digital Twins

When designing new products, engineers must validate their decisions based on robust evidence. There comes a point in the design process where selecting the right concept—whether for economic, performance, or aesthetic reasons—is critical.  Before the digital age, engineers relied on assumption-based calculations and intuition. While this approach could be refined through trial and error, it […]

Domin Hydraulic Servo Valves Survive Half a Billion Cycles

Long Life Reliable Hydraulic Components

The service life for hydraulic systems is a critical metric for all industries, the longer the service life, the less downtime and maintenance is needed which has a direct cost on customer operations. At Domin, our Hydraulic Servo Valves have undergone extensive testing and life cycles to prove their durability, robust designs and show their maturity.  Additive […]

Domin’s Approach to Fatigue Testing

Domin Additive Manufacturing

Delivering Reliability in Additive Manufacturing with Quality Control In 2019, Domin became the first company in the world to sell an off-the-shelf product manufactured using metal Additive Manufacturing. Being the first meant having to solve problems and create quality control measures without accepted solutions. One of the core challenges with adopting any new production process […]